Career Skills

Progression through your career is incredibly important, but it can sometimes be difficult to know how you can demonstrate your value and learn new skills so that can climb the ladder in a timely manner.

We’ve compiled a list of our blogs which detail ways that you can pick up new soft skills, leadership skills and project management – all valuable assets that top employers hold in high regard.

Soft Skills

Soft skills are skills that are not specific to any one profession, making them invaluable to almost every person in the workplace. Here we’ve put together a number of blog posts that are dedicated to helping you understand what your soft skills are, how you can improve them and how you can use them for your career development.

6 ways to help you develop your skills to match your ambitions

Having a goal is imperative to your career, but knowing what skills you need to achieve it can be tough. In this blog we highlight the skills that will advance your career prospects.

Female employee focused in on her laptop with other employees in the background

How to take more initiative at work

Initiative is an important quality to have as an employee, but executing it in the workplace isn’t always so straightforward. Here, you can learn more about how initiative can be implanted into your career progression.

5 ways to collaborate successfully

How many times have you heard the phrase “there’s no I in team”? It’s a common phrase that emphasises the importance of teamwork, and this is especially important at work. In this blog, we shine a light on five ways you can be more collaborative in the workplace.

Birdseye view of a team working together

Different learning styles in the workplace explained

Understanding how others learn is crucial to capitalising on your colleagues’ skills and abilities. Through this blog you will begin to understand the different learning styles and how you can get the most out of them across your workplace.

7 members of corporation having a stakeholder meeting

6 soft skills that are crucial for your career development

This blog serves as a great introduction to the world of soft skills, providing an overview of what soft skills are and how they can be successfully worked into your day-to-day to improve your overall skillset.

Focused confident young businessman in eyewear explaining project details to concentrated male client. Serious hr manager listening to skilled job applicant self presentation at interview in office.

What you need to know about managing up

Relationships with managers can be difficult and tenuous, but they needn’t be. By investing in your skills of managing up, you can ensure a smooth, successful relationship that is incredibly beneficial to your career.

4 barriers to communication at work – and how to overcome them

A multitude of soft skills become almost redundant if your communication skills are lacking, by taking the time to break down communication barriers, you can start to excel at demonstrating soft skills.

Angry businessman discussing with colleague during a meeting in the office.

How to fix things when you’ve made a mistake at work

One of the most crucial soft skills is being able to accept responsibility when there’s a mistake, and more importantly, being able to fix it. This blog breaks down the steps needed to be able to own and fix your mistakes.

Leadership Skills

In order to excel in their career, most people must demonstrate some form of leadership, whether it’s over a set of processes, a small team or a whole department. In this section, we’ve curated a collection of blogs that demonstrate the skills needed to be able to successfully navigate the world of leadership.

Female on work at home desk whilst being on a work call and analysing the project management tool

What is change management? A guide for business leaders

Change is inevitable for a successful business, but it can be a difficult time for your team without the support of their manager to ease the transition. This blog helps business leaders guide their teams towards a successful adjustment.

Mixed group of business people sitting around a table and talking

How to build resilience at work: Tips for leaders and teams

By taking on board the principles of this blog, leaders will be able to strengthen their team’s resilience and make sure they’re well-poised to overcome whatever adversities are thrown their way at work.

Two females laughing and smiling together whilst collaborating

How to pick a people management style that suits you

Being a successful manager isn’t just about knowing your team, but also knowing yourself. By establishing your people management skills, you can consistent, fair and affable towards your team members.

Male in professional suit writing notes on a whiteboard in a company meeting

Running effective team brainstorms: How to plan for success

Brainstorming is one of the most effective ways of developing new ideas, but it can quickly become disorganised and useless without a plan. This guide lays out how you can ensure that your brainstorming sessions generate plenty of fantastic ideas.

Managing difficult conversations: Advice for leaders

At some point during your career, you’ll have to have a difficult conversation or two. In this blog, we lay out how to approach these to ensure a successful outcome for yourself and your colleagues.

How to think more strategically: A guide for leaders

Being able to look at the wider picture allows for greater planning and better outcomes, but how can you start to think more strategically? This guide goes through the steps to implement wider business planning into your workplace.

Improving your team engagement

Having engaged employees not only helps to ensure that team are happy, but also helps to improve business outcomes. This blog delves into the nuances of team engagement and how you can increase it.

Project Management

A natural aspect of leadership is project management. Being able to successfully guide a team towards an end goal successfully is one of the most important things a leader can do, but how can it be achieved? The blogs below outline several ways that a fruitful project can be managed.

Cropped image of hands with code overlayed on the top

9 easy steps for running a successful hackathon

Hackathons can be incredibly useful activities that not only flag issues in your system but also build upon and develop existing procedures. By reading our 9 easy steps, you can plan and implement a successful hackathon event.

Two males walking alongside servers

Prototyping and testing: Tools, techniques and best practices

The development of new products and services is an incredibly important task for any business with multiple steps to ensure success. We’ve compiled our best practices for prototyping and testing in this blog.

What is Kanban? An intro to the project framework

Do you feel like you regularly have to juggle multiple tasks, never quite giving one single assignment your full attention? An effective project management strategy, such as Kanban, can help to ease stress and deliver better project outcomes.

How to conduct a SWOT analysis

Skills, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats are identified as four pillars of a successful business. Pinpointing these aspects can increase the prospects of a business, but also of individuals. This blog walks you through the steps needed to conduct a SWOT analysis.

Agile 101: How continuous improvement can transform your projects

Agility is defined as the “ability to think and understand quickly”, something that comes in handy in the workplace. Using Agile 101, you can become more adaptable, flexible and collaborative.

Female walking down office hallway on her laptop smiling

How to communicate successfully during IT projects

An all-digital project doesn’t necessarily mean that communication must be all-digital. This blog outlines how to properly communicate with your team throughout an IT project to ensure it can be as successful as possible.

Cropped image of a women's hand writing on a piece of paper

How to create a project roadmap: A toolkit for success

A successful project requires plenty of planning and roadmaps are an effective tool to do this. This blog explores adding project roadmaps to your project management arsenal.

Two females having a deep personal conversation whilst sat on sofas

Project milestones: What they are and how to use them

A big project, while necessary, can be daunting to undertake without milestones. This blog outlines how you can set project milestones so that small victories line the path to bigger success.

Group of employees in the middle of a work conflict

Time management tips for project managers from kick-off to crunch time

Alongside roadmaps and milestones, making sure your project is completely on time is especially important. This article gives our top tips on how to effectively manage time when completing large or small projects.