What is Stakeholder Mapping?

7 members of corporation having a stakeholder meeting

In this blog, we'll delve into the intricacies of stakeholder mapping, exploring its definition, significance, applications, and practical steps for creating an effective stakeholder map.

In the complex landscape of modern business and project management, understanding and managing relationships, and expectations, is paramount. This is where stakeholder mapping comes into play. Stakeholder mapping is a strategic tool that helps organisations identify, analyse, and prioritise their stakeholders.

What is Stakeholder Mapping?

At its core, stakeholder mapping is a visual representation of an organisation’s stakeholders and their relationships with a particular project, initiative, or the organisation as a whole.

Stakeholders are individuals or groups who can influence or be influenced by the achievement of an organisation’s objectives. They can include internal parties such as employees and management, as well as external parties like customers, suppliers, regulatory bodies, and the community.

Stakeholder mapping provides a clear view of the stakeholder landscape, allowing organisations to understand the interests, expectations, and potential impact of each stakeholder. By categorising stakeholders based on their level of influence and interest, organisations can devise targeted strategies for effective engagement and communication.

Why you need a stakeholder map and what to use it for

Risk Mitigation

Stakeholder mapping helps identify potential risks by highlighting individuals or groups that may pose challenges or resist certain initiatives. By understanding their concerns, organisations can proactively address issues and mitigate risks before they escalate. For a more detailed guide to risk management, check out our blog.

Strategic Decision Making

A stakeholder map serves as a valuable tool for strategic decision-making. By recognising the key players and their interests, organisations can align their strategies to garner support from influential stakeholders and navigate potential conflicts.

Effective Communication

Stakeholder mapping facilitates tailored communication strategies. Different stakeholders have different levels of interest and influence, and a one-size-fits-all approach often falls short. With a stakeholder map, organisations can customise their communication to resonate with each group, enhancing overall engagement.


three employees sitting at a meeting table in glass windowed room


Resource Allocation

Understanding the significance of each stakeholder allows organisations to allocate resources efficiently. By focusing efforts on high-impact stakeholders, organisations can optimise their resources and maximise the effectiveness of their initiatives.

How to use a stakeholder map

Identify Key Stakeholders

Start by identifying all potential stakeholders relevant to your project or organisation. These can include internal and external parties. Consider employees, customers, suppliers, regulators, shareholders, and community members.

Categorise Based on Influence and Interest

Plot each stakeholder on the map based on their level of influence and interest. Influence refers to their ability to affect the project, while interest relates to how much they are affected by it. This categorisation typically results in four quadrants: high influence/high interest, high influence/low interest, low influence/high interest, and low influence/low interest.

Develop Engagement Strategies

Tailor your engagement strategies based on each stakeholder’s quadrant placement. High influence/high interest stakeholders may require more active involvement and frequent updates. High influence/low interest stakeholders may need periodic updates to keep them informed. Low influence/high interest stakeholders may benefit from periodic consultation, and low influence/low interest stakeholders may only need occasional awareness updates.

Regularly Update the Map

Stakeholder dynamics can change over time, so it’s crucial to regularly update the stakeholder map. New stakeholders may emerge, and existing ones may shift in terms of influence and interest. Regular updates ensure that your strategies remain relevant and effective.


Two male employees watching and smiling at two female employees high fiving


How to create your stakeholder map

Creating a stakeholder map involves several key steps, and it’s often useful to use a template to streamline the process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Identify Stakeholders

List all potential stakeholders relevant to your project or organisation. You should Include internal and external parties such as employees, customers, suppliers, regulators, and community members.

Define Influence and Interest

Assess the level of influence each stakeholder has on the project.

Evaluate the level of interest each stakeholder has in the project.

Plot on a Matrix

Create a matrix with influence on one axis and interest on the other.

Plot each stakeholder on the matrix based on their influence and interest levels.

Categorise and Prioritise:

Categorise stakeholders into four quadrants: high influence/high interest, high influence/low interest, low influence/high interest, and low influence/low interest.

Prioritise stakeholders based on their quadrant placement.

Develop Engagement Strategies:

Tailor engagement strategies for each quadrant, considering the unique needs of stakeholders in each category.

Regularly Update:

Set a schedule for regularly updating the stakeholder map to reflect changes in influence and interest.

Adjust engagement strategies as needed based on updates.


Graph analysis of influence vs interest of stakeholder


To conclude, stakeholder mapping is a powerful tool that enables organisations to navigate the complex web of relationships in a strategic and organised manner. By understanding the interests, influence, and dynamics of various stakeholders, organisations can make informed decisions, mitigate risks, and enhance overall project success. Incorporate stakeholder mapping into your strategic toolkit to unlock a more effective and nuanced approach to stakeholder management.

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