Understanding Job Descriptions: How to Identify the Right Roles for You

2 months ago Career Progression, Skills

With different companies using different titles for similar roles, and minimum requirements adding an extra layer of confusion, how do you know which role is right for you?

Worry no more; we’re here to explain exactly how to identify the right roles for you.

Starting your job search

Before you start your job search assess the hard and soft skills that you’ve gained through education or employment and also the qualifications that testify to the skills you have.

You can use this as a starting point for a CV. When you’ve written a generic CV with your relevant skills, you can then tailor it to match the specific requirements of a job advert that matches what you’re looking for.

For example, it might not be relevant to include your summer temp job at a restaurant when applying for a role in finance, or if it is, it certainly isn’t worth three paragraphs.

If you’re fresh into the job market, cast your eye on entry-level job roles to get a foot on the ladder, but don’t be deterred from applying for roles higher up the pyramid if you believe that your skills and experience are sufficient.

Finding the right role: Things to keep in mind

When starting your job search, it’s important to have realistic expectations. It’s unlikely, particularly in competitive fields that you’ll land your perfect job from the first application you send out.

That doesn’t mean you should send out as many low-quality applications as possible, though. Aim to set yourself apart by tailoring your CV to the role you’re applying for, and with the addition of a cover letter, you can be assured that you’re setting yourself apart from the 53% of applicants who only send a CV.

Once you’ve assessed your skills and qualifications, you can start to cross reference your CV and experience with jobs available on the market.

Tips for understanding job descriptions

Job descriptions aren’t always as crystal clear as we’d like them to be, so here are some tips to decipher them to make sure that you’re applying for the right jobs.

Break down the job description

Breaking down the job description into its constituent parts can help to take the guess work out of job applications. Does the job title match what you’re looking for, do the core responsibilities align with your capabilities, do you have a relevant qualification to back it up, and are your secondary skills adequate or would you have to learn them on the job.

Translate the buzzwords

There’s plenty of jargon in the corporate world, and that’s no different with job advertisements, but you can make it easier for yourself by understanding what terms like team player, self-starter, and adaptable mean.

Terms like growth-orientated may indicate opportunities for learning within the job, with terms like cross-functional might suggest that the role relies heavily on collaboration between teams.

Research the company

Before you agree to work for a company, research them to find out if they’re a good fit for you. Where are they based, what do current and former employees have to say about working for them?

The company’s website is a great place to start but sites like Glassdoor might give a more genuine, eye-opening viewpoint.

Match your skills and interests

When applying for a job, ensure that your skills and interests match up with the job requirements. This could be from experience personally or professionally, but make sure you can tangible examples to cite during the interview process. Creating a tick list to cross-reference with the job advertisement can help to match up your skills with what is required.

Understand the industry jargon

Industry jargon can be scary, but once you understand the terms, they’re usually pretty straightforward. If you don’t understand something in the job advert, type it into a search engine to avoid being stumped later on in the application process. Staying up to date with industry publications and social media channels may put you ahead of the jargon curve.

Assess growth and learning opportunities

In the job advert, there may be references to learning opportunities. Opportunities that align with your intended career development may present a more appealing proposition and so will be worth considering. Terms like internal mobility also suggest opportunities for growth and promotion.

Check location and work environment

Before you apply for a job, work out how far you’re willing to travel to work each day. Do you want a completely remote job, hybrid,  or entirely on-site? There’s not much point applying for on-site jobs 50 miles away from where you live unless you’re willing to do the commute or relocate.

Analyse compensation and benefits

Compensation and benefits for jobs can help to determine which jobs you apply for. Roles with similar responsibilities and salaries may be differentiated by the benefits offered by the company. Only you can assess how much weight you give to these benefits.

Read between the lines

A lot of job advertisement is marketing, taking phrases like fast-paced or wear multiple hats rather than stressful. While these aren’t always red flags, it’s something to be aware of if you know you suffer from burnout at work.

Set personal priorities

Priorities at work are not the same for everyone, make a list of the things that are important to you and rank them. Is salary more important than work/life balance or do you only care about working remotely? This will help you to shortlist jobs more easily.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions

There’s no such thing as a silly question, particularly in job interviews. If something is vague in the job description, write it down and be prepared to ask it in the interview. You might also gain clarity by connecting with employees and asking professional questions before you apply.

Apply strategically

While it’d be great to meet all the job requirements, that’s not realistic. If you match most, but not all, still apply because you may still be the best candidate.

It can also be worthwhile to keep a log of the jobs you apply to. This will avoid applying to the same job across multiple platforms and also gives you the data to see which jobs you are getting positive results from, whether that’s an interview, or an offer.

Now you’ve got the knowledge, along with some insider tips, you should be perfectly placed to start applying for jobs. Remember to break down the jargon, work out what’s important for you in a role, and how much you’re willing to travel to get there.

If you’d like to start your job search at SEFE, take a look at our careers page and see if our welcoming culture and range of benefits match up with your values.

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